Charlotte Root Canal Center Blog
Don't See a General Dentist for Root Canals
If you’re experiencing tooth pain, sensitivity, or inflammation in your gums, you might need a root canal. Endodontists are dental specialists with advanced training and superior technologies who can help save your tooth.
Who Needs an Apicoectomy?
Have you had a root canal but are still experiencing pain and signs of infection in your tooth? Tooth extraction isn’t your only option. Learn why an apicoectomy might be just the solution to clear the infection and save your tooth.
What Is Internal Teeth Bleaching?
You needed a root canal but now your tooth looks yellowed. No amount of brushing or whitening will fix it. You don’t have to live with discolored teeth. Internal teeth bleaching could be the answer. We explain what it is and how it can help you.
Why are my Teeth Suddenly Sensitive and What Can I do About it?
Sudden tooth sensitivity can make it hard to enjoy a cold beverage, a scoop of your favorite ice cream, or a soothing sip of hot tea on a chilly day. It can also signal serious oral health concerns that require a visit to the dentist.
How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies
Your tooth has been knocked out. Do you know what to do to increase the chance we can save it and implant it back in your mouth? Here’s how to handle that and other unexpected dental problems.
Why Root Canals are Nothing to Fear
There’s nothing to be afraid of if you’re facing a root canal. Using modern techniques, you won’t feel more pain than you would getting a filling. A root canal will save your tooth and give you plenty to smile about.