Essential Steps to Treat a Dislodged Tooth

Dentist Ready to Begin Procedure

Dental injuries cause a lot of pain and fear in children and adults alike. Imagine how alarming it is to press your tongue against your teeth or bite an apple only for your tooth to dislodge.

Whether an injury is accidental or born of high contact sports, acting fast helps save your tooth's integrity and avoid permanent damage. This blog post discusses the most effective ways to treat a dislodged tooth for the best outcome possible.

What is a Dislodged Tooth?

A dislodged tooth can displace out of or further into its original socket after an accident, fall, or sporting activity. Also known as a luxated tooth, this type of injury can take several forms including:

  • Concussion: This is when a tooth sustains a knock but without negligible displacement.

  • Subluxation: Here, the tooth is neither displaced nor dislodged but rather just loose due to a minor accident.

  • Extrusive Luxation: The tooth is vertically knocked out of its socket, appearing longer than usual.

  • Intrusive Luxation: The tooth dislodges deeper into its socket and appears shorter than average.

Treatment Options for a Dislodged Tooth

An Endodontist can approach a dislodged tooth treatment in several ways, depending on your traumatic dental injury. They take X-rays and perform other tests to determine the degree of damage and assign an appropriate solution. Some of the most recommended procedures include:


If your dislodged tooth hasn't wholly detached from its socket, a doctor can perform a splinting procedure to save your tooth. It involves using a metallic dental splint to connect your dislodged tooth with two neighboring teeth for support as it heals.

Root Canal

Root canal treatment is essential if your nerves and blood vessels are dislodged during the dental injury. In this procedure, our professional Endodontist removes the leftover nerves and tissues from the socket to prevent further damage or pain.

Post-Treatment Care

Many patients cannot resume normality after a dislodged tooth treatment, especially if the initial damage is severe. Avoid chewing with the injured side for the first 48 to 72 hours, and if you experience any pain during this period, get some over-the-counter pain meds to subsidize the pain.

Do you have any more questions regarding dislodged tooth treatment, or would you like to schedule a treatment? Call us today at (704) 327-3187 to request an appointment with the best Endodontist in Charlotte NC.


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