
Smiling Woman

What is an apicoectomy?

An apicoectomy refers to a minor endodontic surgical procedure during which Dr. Sunar removes the upper tip of your tooth’s root and seals it. 

When should you consider getting an apicoectomy?

Dr. Sunar recommends that you consider getting an apicoectomy when root canal treatment has been unsuccessful in treating damaged pulp. In most cases, an apicoectomy is required when the root canal doesn’t solve your problem or when the apex—or the tip—of the root becomes infected again. 

Dr. Sunar might perform a second root canal treatment on your tooth to clear out damaged canals, though he will most likely need to remove the crown to do so. This can cause damage to the gum line and the root, making it necessary for him to perform an apicoectomy. 

Keep in mind that an apicoectomy can only occur on a tooth that has already undergone root canal treatment. It’s not a standalone procedure.

How should you prepare for an apicoectomy? 

Before recommending an apicoectomy, Dr. Sunar first requires that you come in for a root canal follow-up. During this follow-up, he can identify the exact location of the recurring damage. To do so, Dr. Sunar might order x-rays of the affected tooth and bone to get a full picture of the issue at hand. 

If he does recommend an apicoectomy, Dr. Sunar can give you antimicrobial mouth rinse, medicine to reduce inflammation, and antibiotics before the procedure to make sure the affected area is ready for the surgery. 

What should you expect during the procedure? 

During the procedure, Dr. Sunar makes a small incision in your gum to expose the root. If this incision isn’t enough to expose the root, he uses a drill. Not to worry, he will give you a local anesthetic to ensure that you don’t feel a thing. 

Once the apex of the root is exposed, he removes the infected tissues and the apex. Depending on what he finds, such as cracks or breaks, Dr. Sunar might recommend a tooth extraction. In this case, the apicoectomy procedure comes to an end, and he proceeds with the extraction. 

Once the apex of the root and the damaged tissue are removed, Dr. Sunar cleans the area with an ultrasonic microscope and seals the root canal with a filling. After this, he uses stitches to close the incision. 

The procedure itself can last anywhere from 30-90 minutes, though this heavily depends on your unique dental health. 

Book an appointment online or by phone to learn more about the benefits of apicoectomies.


Cracked Teeth